Create a free forum. Practical magic of runes Practical magic fortune telling witchcraft esoterics

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Our Life is our interaction not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level. One of the most mysterious and powerful Forces influencing our destiny are runes.

They can be a means of achieving wealth and power, and can tell fortunes.

One thing is absolutely certain and beyond doubt: RUNES are living energies, they are not just symbols and signs. This is a blessed GIFT to humanity, thanks to which we can build our lives according to our own choice. With the help of runes, we can more fully realize the wonders of nature, understand ourselves more fully, and gain direct contact with spiritual forces. Runic signs have ancient origins and are the magical symbols of the Celtic Druid priests.

So, let's plunge into the depths of centuries, touch the great secret, try to understand: what runes are, where they came from and how they work.

Shamanism is the oldest form of spiritual expression known to mankind. Its roots go back to prehistoric times, and thus it can be considered the forerunner of all existing religions. Among all races and traditions, a person who had the ability to perceive the inaccessible to others, who had the experience of a reality different from ordinary existence, and who communicated with the minds of other forms of life and other planes of existence, enjoyed special honor and respect among his relatives.

The word “shaman” itself (pronounced “sha-man”) comes from the language of the Tungus, one of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. It can be interpreted as "one who knows" or "a wise person", but most accurately translated it means "one who has known bliss." A shaman was considered a person who had overcome the limitations of his physical body, expanded the boundaries of his mind and experienced a deep spiritual experience. This was usually achieved after completing a long, often painful apprenticeship process. Despite their honorable position in the tribe, socially the shamans led an isolated existence.

We will talk about the knowledge and skills of a special kind of shaman - the so-called runic shamans who lived among the peoples of Northern Europe, Scandinavia and Iceland. Runic shamanism is in many ways similar to the spiritual perception of North American Indians and the Taoist wisdom of the East and is an integral part of universal shamanism. Suppressed in the past by religious intolerance and political tyranny, this knowledge was preserved and passed on through oral tradition. Hidden for the time being, it is now being restored so that people can gain a more complete understanding of the world around them and discover the meaning and purpose of their lives.

Runic shamans had the knowledge and practical skills to use runes - angular symbols drawn on a smooth surface, carved into wood, engraved on stone or on personal belongings. Some people considered runes to be a secret code, a mystical way of releasing power that allowed them to fulfill their desires, prevent hostile intentions, or foresee the future.

The runes were a gift to humanity and a blessing to our race - a mission that, sadly, has remained forgotten to this day. Through understanding the true nature of the runes, we can become more fully aware of the wonders of nature, our natural surroundings, and strengthen our resolve to respect and protect all life on Earth. In addition, we can come to a fuller understanding of ourselves and an awareness of the deep purpose of our lives.

The spiritual task of discovering the Truth is feasible only if one searches not on earth or in heaven - regardless of purity of intentions, sincerity of desires, perseverance and courage - but within. This is the true meaning of the words carved on the pediment of the Delphic Temple in ancient Greece: “Man, know thyself.”

Those of us who explored the main streams and side branches of religious thought, who sought to find answers to life's most complex questions from spiritual leaders and mentors, from philosophers and scientists, did so because of our upbringing: we were all taught that we should look outside, and not inside. We are taught to treat knowledge as truth, when it is only information based on assumptions and speculation, and sometimes on blind faith.

Runes can teach us the importance of inner searching and self-awareness of the connection between the spiritual and the physical, the revealed and the hidden, the external and the internal. As a result, we begin to understand that the physical, mental and spiritual are not separate principles, but different facets of a single whole.

At the dawn of a new millennium, humanity has reached a critical point where it faces a clear choice. Despite the great inventions of materialistic science and the wonders of modern technology, our world is on the verge of a great crisis. We can choose either spiritual bankruptcy and degeneration to the point of releasing the forces of Chaos that can destroy humanity and devastate the Earth, or we can expand the boundaries of human awareness, rise to a higher level of perception in multidimensional reality and enter a new Golden Age.

According to modern physics, the basic substance of the universe is at the subatomic level, where matter and energy become interchangeable. This basic unit of matter and energy is called a quantum, an invisible signal or fluctuation that precedes both energy pulses and subatomic particles. It is at this subtle level that the greatest energy potential lies, and this is where runic symbols originate.

Contrary to what anthropologists, historians and other scientists believe, runes are not a product of the human mind, although they can, of course, be manipulated by the mind.

Nor are they ordinary symbols that mean something else. Each runic sign is a carrier of potential energy that precedes existence in any manifestation. It is the repository of primordial activity in nature and in ourselves; when opened and activated, it creates movement. Thus, the runes indicate the possible movement and transformation of the potential inherent in nature and in ourselves. They themselves are the force that ensures any activity. Runes are a component of the cosmic language that introduces us to the inner knowledge of the Universe and ourselves, for the natural laws that govern the Universe also operate within us. Each of us represents the Universe in miniature!

If we treat the runes with care and respect, and not as a means of exploitation and gratification of our own whims, we can come into contact with the innermost part of our being. We will learn how our choices and actions create an energetic pattern that defines reality, shaping our future and destiny.

By understanding the runes, we understand both ourselves and our surroundings. By understanding the runes, we understand the Earth and the Universe. Understanding the runes, we learn the external and internal, obvious and hidden, physical and spiritual. This is the true purpose of runes.

runes training

Each rune represents magical symbol, which is used in the manufacture of a magical item when they want to give it magical properties.

Runes They have great strength, they help to cope with many life difficulties:

  • lack of money
  • loneliness
  • conflicts in the family and in the team
  • searching for yourself and your purpose
  • stress and depression
  • recover from illness and addictions
  • break out of the vicious circle
  • attract good luck
  • Love
  • win a victory

Very often runes are used in making talismans And amulets.

With the help of runes you can solve many problems or tasks.

And you and I will learn this at school.

How will the training take place?

You will receive lessons on your Mailbox once a week.

Lesson by lesson you will get acquainted with the world of each rune, learn to feel its power, and track how it affects your life. And gradually learn to manage its energy.

You will receive settings for runes and connection to them. I will introduce you to the rune and reveal its meaning, tell you where and for what purposes it can be used.

The lessons will give you powerful adjustments to the vibrations of the Runes, and you will begin to hear their prompts.

You will understand that Runes speak, support and protect. Protect your health and success.

So that you can understand whether you need it and how much you need it, you can pay for training per lesson. The cost of one lesson is 150 rubles. Thus, you have the opportunity to stop studying at any stage. If you wish, you can pay for several lessons at the same time. Lessons will be sent to you at email once a week after receipt of payment.

You can pay for training through Yandex Money: 41001905028291 or via the link:

Or transfer money to bank card, I will indicate the number in personal correspondence.

Please notify me about payment by email: [email protected]

When paying for training, please write to the above postal address that you paid for the training. So that I know who to send the lessons to!!!

All correspondence regarding training will be conducted through him.

You can share your observations and results Here: Here you can also communicate between

I’m waiting for my students, and see you in class!

Looking at the information on the Internet on the topic of “runes”, I discovered that there is no consensus on this topic, and even more so on the topic “ Practical magic of runes" Everyone tells their own methods of working with the runes that they have developed. I am no exception and I want to present my vision of practical rune magic, created over many years. And yet, turning to the Internet, I want to say: There is one thing in common in these opinions. This - runes are a mystical way of fulfilling your desires.

Each rune has its own channel that conducts a certain energy that helps you work with a particular situation. This is the force that gives impetus to the implementation and advancement of plans.

Since this is ancient knowledge, therefore, its use must be carefully considered. Before you start working with them, you must think through all the aspects associated with a particular rune.

Feu is a channel of materiality, one might say manifestation on the physical level.
Uruz is a channel of health, but not as recovery, but as giving strength for this.
Turizas is a channel for cutting off unnecessary things.
Anzus is a communication channel, informational, between objects.
Raido is a channel of movement energies when you need to move something from a dead point.
Kano is a channel of relationships.
Gebo is a partnership channel.
Vunyo is a channel of joy and happiness.
Hagel is a channel of destruction.
Nautiz is a channel of karma.
Isa is the freezing channel.
Yara is a sales channel.
Aivaz is a channel for overcoming situations.
Petra is a magical channel.
Algiz is a channel for protecting higher powers.
Sould is a channel of authority.
Tayvaz is a channel of male power.
Berkana is a channel of feminine power.
Evaz is a channel of luck, good fortune.
Mannaz is a channel of influence on people.
Lagus is a channel of self-realization.
Inguz is a channel for successful undertakings. It is best to start a new business with it.
Otal is the family channel, the birth canal.
Dagaz is a channel of change. Laying the foundation.

Thus, by tuning into one of the runes, you can conduct the energy of this channel through yourself. You can see how this is done in the paid course.

Runes are used both in conducting this or that energy, and for making talismans, amulets, amulets (artifacts). Runic talismans differ from other types of talismans because they have a very powerful effect.

So, exactly from the topic “ Practical magic rune" I am starting a series of video lessons for people seeking to understand the essence of things. Why from her? The answer is simple: yes, practical rune magic is a complex and controversial topic, but this is a tool that will help you get confirmation that you, as well as any person who has mastered the practical magic of runes, will be able to change the world for themselves and others. I know from myself that I want to start making my desires come true right away.

I would like to clarify that I have divided this topic into 2 courses: one is free and the other is paid. This is in order to divide the audience into those interested and fascinated by runes. For those interested, just take the free course.

For those who are interested, I made a paid course “Practical Rune Magic” so that they could more fully study this tool.

In it I will give more details:

  • description of runes;
  • I’ll show you how to determine with the help of runes what kind of person is in front of you;
  • how to write your runic name;
  • magical action;
  • on what material can this or that rune be used (it is different for them);
  • I’ll show you what I make them from;
  • how to connect to them;
  • I will teach you how to cast a spell using the mantras of each rune;
  • their colors in writing amulets to attract this or that energy;
  • their combined writing (writing runes together and in different colors);
  • division of runes into: healing, victory, magic, surf, speech, thought, beer runes;
  • a scheme for writing runes for all occasions, which will allow you to write them correctly yourself.

Of course, in the free course we will touch on these topics, but only superficially.Runes are a good key to the world of energies. And at the same time, requiring responsibility.

Good luck!!!