Blank school certificate templates. Blank certificate templates download

Beautiful options for ceremonial documents

The momentous day has come when the winners are determined. What to do if you didn’t have time to download the empty certificates and templates, and the ceremony is on the verge of collapse?

Don’t worry, because our portal contains the best ceremonial documents, which you can download in just a few touches and absolutely free.

Regardless of whether the award ceremony is planned for university graduates, or the end of a children’s camp, the diploma should look presentable and beautiful. Among the huge abundance of templates, we have selected the most interesting options and invite you to download any you like in just a few seconds.

Download links

We have selected for you only the most interesting and high-quality samples, which can be obtained from the cloud by clicking on the document name below. For convenience, all drawings are divided into categories.

Sports templates:

Strict classic:


  • For artists with curtain, sculpture and musical instruments

Of course, if you don’t find a suitable document for it, you can try to make it yourself using programs Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or graphic editor Paint or Photoshop.

Filling rules

There are no strict rules for filling out certificates of honor regulated by law, but the basic concepts that indicate the focus and involvement of this responsible document must be displayed correctly.

  1. Title of the document (diploma, diploma, certificate, gratitude)
  2. Action (awarded, issued)
  3. Name of the institution issuing the award
  4. Last name, first name and patronymic of the recipient
  5. Position or rank, if any (doctor, major, student)
  6. Reason for award (victory, completion, merit)
  7. Full name and position of the person responsible for issuing the document
  8. Signature and seal, if available
  9. Issue date

Important! Before sending the layout for printing and the congratulations ceremony itself, we advise you once again check spelling and correct spelling of all names and surnames.

At the request of the compiler, other elements can be added, such as an indication of the occupied place or an honorary poem. Remove from the above items Not recommended Nothing.

Welcome to our convenient website, an online printing store where you can easily and simply online choose a ready-made design or create your own and print business cards, invitations, postcards, calendars, photo collages, flyers, leaflets, booklets and other printed products . Finished layouts can be sent for printing to the Printing Center nearest to you to pick up the order in person. Or order delivery! Don’t waste time searching for pictures, layouts on the Internet or a designer, do it all yourself - it’s easy and simple! Three steps and your business card is ready!

There are more than 5,000 free templates on our website! Choose a ready-made template for a business card, certificate, diploma or diploma, add your text, company logo, drawing, photograph, directions and send it to print! Create a fun invitation for a child, party or anniversary. Choose a romantic wedding invitation. We print quickly and efficiently! See for yourself!

We all love to receive gifts. What a sin to hide there. But it’s always doubly nice to receive something unusual, made with love and respect. And if it’s not just a trinket bought in a store or on a wholesale market, but something made with your own hands, then it’s triple pleasant. A good gift (personally, I think) are all sorts of greeting cards, certificates, letters of gratitude, comic congratulations, etc.

Beautifully made templates, in which all you have to do is write text or insert a photo, this is something that will always give the recipient a pleasant feeling. Templates for various certificates, samples of certificates, congratulatory and thank you letters, medals, school certificates and New Year's greetings from Santa Claus can be downloaded for free in Word format directly on our website.

New Year, February 23, March 8, Birthday, wedding, anniversary – for all these celebrations they came up with all sorts of colorful templates. And you don’t need to have any special knowledge of Photoshop or Point. All you need to do is open the template in Word, make the necessary additions or changes, and print out the finished certificate or letter of gratitude, certificate, or just a postcard with wishes on a color printer. They are in different formats. Some still require some skills in working in special editors, but everyone can choose what suits them.

We bring to your attention a short video instruction on how to make a certificate, diploma, or beautifully design a congratulatory letter in Word format yourself. The lesson was created according to the principle: “Follow me or do as I do.” All material is presented in a simple and accessible form for everyone.

Templates for various certificates, as well as all kinds of greeting cards, diplomas, certificates and congratulatory letters, you can download completely free of charge, without any registration or request to send SMS, by clicking on the link that is at the very bottom of this page.

Prepared forms and samples of letters, certificates, congratulatory and thank you letters, medals, school certificates and New Year's greetings from Santa Claus for free in Word format and more

It all started with the fact that I needed to find a couple of templates on the Internet and choose one to my liking. Began to climb the vast expanses World Wide Web and I discovered this thing. Either it’s paid, or let’s register and then send SMS to someone unknown where and to whom. There were also viral pages that my valiant NOD mercilessly blocked.

In general, I decided to collect everything that I managed to find in 4 hours of painstaking search and post it for public viewing and free downloading. Maybe someone will say thank you. I wish you to find something special and please your family and friends, colleagues and neighbors. Good luck.

A special folder with thematic New Year texts (letters to and from Santa Claus, congratulations and postcards):

To work with some formats you will need the program “ “.

We will always be glad to see you again. Come to our site more often and stay on it longer!!!