Cell towers map beeline. How developed is telephone coverage?

Of all the operators in Russia, Beeline is noticeably inferior in coverage area. But unlike other operators, Beeline's 3G and 4G signal can be found in places where Megafon and MTS are inaccessible.

This year, work was continuously carried out to expand the coverage of 4G networks in the Caucasus, the southern regions of the Russian map and in cities located near the Volga River.

As of May 2014, LTE 4G network is available in 65 regions. Of these, Beeline accounts for 11 regions.

For the city of Moscow and Moscow Region, an interactive map of 2G, 3G, 4G network coverage is located at Beeline website. If you need another city, just change the Moscow region above to your region. Borders of tariff zones of Moscow and the region, WiFi points Beeline, a map of network coverage in the Moscow metro, can be viewed

Beeline base station network

The coverage area of ​​any mobile corporation is provided by a complex of base station networks. Beeline works exclusively with modern equipment - these are the latest generation Flexi Nokia Siemens Networks stations. These stations are designed to make a smooth transition from GSM 1800 format networks to the more modern LTE standard.

Previously, signal amplifiers were used to improve the signal and increase the coverage area. Today, Beeline uses updated base stations; the radio module in such stations is located close to the antenna and transmits maximum power.

In the southern region of the country, the number of base stations using HSPA+ technology is growing, 60% of stations are connected to high-speed channels, due to this a data transfer speed of 21 Mbit/s is achieved.

Beeline 3G and 4G coverage area

The most remote region on the map of Russia where the Beeline 3G and 4G network is available is the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk region.

Map of Beeline 3G coverage area in Russia

For most small towns and cities, mobile network is the only access to the Internet, so its distribution is a real revolutionary breakthrough in the field mobile communications.

The maximum available speed in LTE 4G Beeline networks is 60 Mbit/s, for 3G - 14.7 Mbit/s, the average user speed of LTE is 15-20 Mbit/s.

The Internet access service, which is included in any tariff plan, is available to every subscriber, postpaid or prepaid payment system. To access the network, you need a USB modem or a smartphone that supports the WCDMA/UMTS format.

The small 4G coverage area is explained by the fact that Beeline began installing base stations a little later than its competitors - in May 2013. While MTS is testing the new kind LTE networks since 2011.

Despite this, today Beeline has seen an increase in the use of LTE 4G, the number of subscribers has increased more than 5 times throughout Russia. At the same time, the volume of traffic consumed on the network also became 5 times greater.

You can view a more detailed map of Beeline coverage area for your region. on the page of the official beeline website. There you can also see Beeline wireless WiFi points and a Beeline map abroad.

Territory 3G, 4g, lte internet connections. Map and signal coverage in Russia from the beeline company, in the regions: Caucasus, Voronezh, Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, Stavropol Territory. View the map and coverage area, coverage area of ​​the Beeline 3g cellular network in the Russian Federation.

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not serve any purpose. useful information, and when there are a large number of them (towers), it only litters the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.


The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

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The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","html":". The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) they only litter the map.","contentType":"text/html"),"proposedPreview":("source" :"

The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and if there are a large number of them (towers), it will only litter the map.

akbars, please write a clear definition of what needs to be done with them. And it is advisable to include it in the rules.

","html":". The issue of base stations has already been raised, but a clear definition has not been identified. I believe that these towers should be removed, because they do not carry any useful information, and with a large number of them (towers) they only litter the map.","contentType":"text/html"),"titleImage":null,"tags ":[("displayName":"rules","slug":"pravila","categoryId":"9825254","url":"/blog/narod-karta??tag=pravila")],"isModerator ":false,"commentsEnabled":true,"url":"/blog/narod-karta/12770","urlTemplate":"/blog/narod-karta/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https:/ /yandex.ru/blog/narod-karta","addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/narod-karta/12770","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/narod-karta/12770","addCommentWithCaptcha": "/blog/createWithCaptcha/narod-karta/12770","changeCaptchaUrl":"/blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog/narod -karta","urlEditPost":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/edit","urlSlug":"/blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog /56a93FBB35A9B071345454B7AC/unpublish "," Urlremovepost ":"/Blog/56a93fB35A9B0713454545454B7AC/REMOVEPOST "," URLDRAFT ":"/BLOG/NAROD-KARTA/12770/DR AFT "," URLDRAFTEMPLATE ":"/BLOG/NAROD-KARTA/%SLUG %/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest/narod-karta","urlAfterDelete":"/blog/narod-karta","isAuthor ":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/56a93fbb35a9b0713454b7ac","urlEditPostPage":"/blog/narod-karta/56a93fbb35a9b0 713454b7ac/edit" ,"urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTranslate":"/blog/post/updateTranslate","urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/ loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/narod-karta/12770/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/narod-karta/12770","author":("id":"40010088 ","uid":("value":"40010088","lite":false,"hosted":false),,"aliases":(),"login":"sher-art","display_name":( "name":"Te*mik","avatar":("default":"24700/40010088-24461939","empty":false)),,"address":" [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"24700/40010088-24461939","imageSrc":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yapic/24700/40010088-24461939/islands-middle","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":"http://avatars.yandex.net/get-yablog/4611686018427432610 /normal")))))">

Having decided to buy a SIM card of any mobile operator, we don’t even ask ourselves whether it will work in a particular region. We do not ask these kinds of questions because we are confident that the coverage area is everywhere. Beeline is also not immune to this.

The operator's cell towers are located in all regions of our large country. All of them are capable of transmitting a 4G signal. This type of network is new and much faster than its predecessors. But the company does not limit itself to this and is constantly expanding. This is done so that all subscribers of the cellular operator can always stay in touch.

Features of 4G from Beeline

To attract as many customers as possible, the operator began to actively upgrade its cell towers to 4G networks. This company was one of the last to begin updating its network to this type of communication. However, this gave huge advantages in terms of stable data transfer to maximum speed up to 100 Mb/s. Thanks to the installed Beeline LTE base stations, which allow operation at a frequency of only 900 MHz, it has taken the lead among competing companies.

The company is currently working on a new 5G connection that will allow data transfer speeds of up to 200-300 MB per second. The launch of this connection is planned for 2020. By this time, even the most remote corners of the Russian Federation will be equipped with base stations. If we compare the signal reception of the Beeline operator and any other operator indoors, it turns out that the company has a huge advantage in the frequency of signal reception and transmission, without any delays or interference.

Beeline operator network coverage area

The first city where the company launched a 4G network as an experiment was Moscow. Testing began in the central part of the city, gradually expanding beyond this zone and spreading throughout the entire territory. The fourth generation of the network can currently be enjoyed in more than eighteen regions of Russia. What gives a company the right to take first place among operators cellular communication.

If we look at the example of cities such as Elista and Maykop, it becomes clear that this type of network covers 80% of the territory of these cities, previously it was only 10-15%. The use of the 4G LTE network provided by Beeline operates even in the Yuzhno-Sakhalin region, which is the most remote region of the Russian Federation.

The company carried out measurements itself high speed data transmission over most of Russia, during which it was found that the highest speed indicator on this moment is 70Mb/sec.

These measurements are a direct basis for the development and achievement of great results in data transmission.

On the official website in open access A map of the Beeline coverage area is posted. To study it in detail and understand whether this type of connection exists in your region, just go to the “coverage and offices” section, where, by selecting one or another network option, you can see the signal coverage area.

If, when studying the coverage area, you notice an LTE network, do not be upset, this is the same 4G connection, only in a more advanced and lightweight format. Beeline has an active 4G+ option that allows you to use data transfer at speeds of up to 150 Mb/s. Which is undoubtedly another undeniable advantage of other operators. However, like most Beeline cannot be called ideal.

What to do if the connection has shortcomings or is completely absent?

It happens that there is no coverage area in a certain place in a populated area. This is not the company’s fault, but a large part depends on the geolocation of the cell tower, which can be caused by difficulties in receiving a cellular signal or its complete absence.

What are the reasons for this?

This happens due to the strength of the reflected signal. Such a signal is capable of appearing in places that simply should not exist. For example, on a mountainside or in a separate part of a forest. Such phenomena are explained by radio wave activity and the characteristics of its propagation.

Now let's talk a little about the disadvantages. All innovations or improvements have their downsides, and 4G LTE communication also has it. Such a network consumes a very large amount of energy. At present cell phones There are still not enough people capable of operating in this type of network, as evidenced by the presence of only voice data transmission. Beeline continues to be one of the leading operators, despite the problems with communication in small settlements in several regions.

How to influence the solution of problems with cellular communications?

It is unlikely that we will be able to exert any influence on the cellular operator to install additional stations or towers. But it is quite possible to influence the ability to correct communication problems by adjusting antennas or new equipment measurements. To do this, if there is no connection in some sparsely populated areas of the Russian Federation, although it should be there, you should make a written request to adjust and correct this situation.

In contact with

Detecting communication towers is not a criminal activity, but a fairly common task in remote regions and villages where the quality of coverage leaves much to be desired. How can you understand why this post gives better results than that wicket? The following tools and websites can help you navigate.

Of the English-language services, perhaps the best is opensignal.com, where you can select the operator and the required location. The map does not show towers, but does show coverage areas. Among the Russians, I can recommend netmonitor.ru - its database contains a lot of information about operator towers.

To find out where you can live and get out of it all, take the phone book and move RIGHT to the center where all the synagogues are, that is, if you can get there. If you are not one of them, rely on a payout 4 times higher than the community average. Their communities are insanely expensive for outsiders, but even in the poorest of them you can not only live there, but make progress while doing so. During the Iraq War, America took control of all Iraqi transmitters and began broadcasting propaganda.

Generally, people will definitely refuse this. But America knew this, so with each emission they added a layer of noise. They did nothing, only people listened to the sound, but with a predominance of modulated background noise in the radio signal, and if the Iraqis were caused by this, they accepted what was emitted, although often this is an obvious lie, the injected noise in the radio signal is modulated with the waveform that was placed in people's brains in reception mode, and it worked effectively. Soldiers were usually brought in to hold them.

Some Android applications are also interesting. For example, OpenSignal displays a map of cell towers and Wi-Fi points (locations with poor connections are also marked on the map), has a built-in compass and a speed checker.

Another interesting utility is Netmonitor. It can monitor GSM and CDMA networks, displays information about signal strength, and contains a database cell towers, supports devices with multiple SIM cards, and can also keep logs in CLF or KLM format.

If Poppers are found, anyone attempting to disable them will be shot. This works even better than the modulated radio noise of the Iraqis, who have never been manipulated in this way before. They realized that Poppers was controlling the mind through the beam. The first is to manipulate the video signal. The second is audio signal manipulation, and the third and worst is a beam in your head plus a recording of your brain waves. Let me ask you WHY? “Imagining the thoughts in your head” and then calling you “crazy.”

Let me ask you why? While people who know the truth are successfully identified as hit jobs, the truth will remain in an isolated reality, then anyone considered "normal" will be crumpled. Of course, some people will respond by saying that cell tower frequencies are limited. This is a fake - it is common for microwave frequencies to indicate distances greater than 50 miles. This is much more than what is needed for mind control when the nearest tower is usually less than 2 miles away.

Please note that Netmonitor has limitations when running on devices from some manufacturers. On Motorola, LG, Samsung, Acer and Huawei smartphones, the list of neighbors may be empty, and on Samsung devices, the signal strength may also not be displayed.

The antennas of these cell towers are not limited high frequencies. For reference, the longest antenna required for any cellular activity in the US is about 20 inches for the lowest cellular frequencies. Most likely these are 9-inch antennas. Why then the antennas that adorn cell towers that are up to eight feet long? Maybe you should ask the Corps of Engineers why the size of the arrays doesn't match the function, because the Corps of Engineers has no legal right over the civilian tower. We must understand that we will do what Satan appoints, with demons on our shoulders and screams in our ears!

I also recommend the GSM Signal Monitoring application, which allows you to work with GSM, UMTS and LTE networks. It displays the change in signal level on a graph and shows neighboring cells (only in GSM networks). There is a data transfer rate monitor and the ability to track connection status, connection standard, cell and current zone identifiers (LAC/RNC/TAC) and received signal strength level (RSSI, as well as RSRP for LTE).

It looks like a cartoon, but it's realism! The credentials and principles are real! Once upon a time, when we only had three mobile operators in the market, people would often choose the one whose network was in their home or workplace. We don't think about it now because the coverage issue is virtually non-existent.

Super-fast operators do not always reach every citizen. However, it is always better to choose an operator to which we have a base station, or at least line of sight. By nature, we aim blindly, and this gives us less than satisfactory results. We don't make it special, we make it out of ignorance or haste.

Knowing the data of the base station, you can access it through the website xinit.ru and obtain information about its location. In large cities, it doesn’t hurt to try to find the location of the towers, but you should understand that the towers belong to different operators. Plus, base stations are placed not only on poles, but also on the roofs of houses.

Where can we find such information? We must admit that when we came to the last hand, we were delighted and we immediately thought of sharing information with you. On the page, it is very useful to be able to filter the view of the selected technology.

How many times have you been to the city and your Mobile Internet was “fast”, like a turtle walking through the park on a sunny day? It's possible that if you knew where your carrier's transmitter was, you'd be just a few yards away from enjoying fast download sites.

The mobile version of this application will definitely help you and will search for nearby base stations. In a word, it is very good that such a tool was created. It may not be high-flying, but it is certainly extremely useful, especially for those who have trouble tuning their antennas. We even recommend it for enjoyment, especially for those chilly fall evenings.

If the coverage is unsatisfactory and there are areas that are not covered ("white spots"), then the connection is unstable and may fail. Our resource was created to solve these problems.

Here you can see the layout of base stations on the interactive

According to the director, the cellular antenna has been on the roof of the school for nine years. Also, residents of the surrounding neighborhoods are not afraid to live in the shadow of the station. “I don’t mind, and by the way, the range on the phone is very good,” emphasizes Zbigniew. This attitude is completely incomprehensible, Bolena Leszkowicz, who fled from Warsaw from Wilanow to Krakow due to the harmfulness of the cellular antenna.

He means in particular. Insomnia or high-pressure jumping. Now the court is demanding compensation from the cooperative and the operator. I had to pay an expert out of my own pocket. However, having moved to Krakowska Polana Zywiecka real estate, she did not avoid old problems.

4G networks (or LTE) are mobile Internet at speeds that are not inferior to regular ones wired internet or WiFi: download pages, files, music, videos, games and applications in seconds.

4G+ technology allows you to use two frequency bands simultaneously for data transmission (LTE 2600 MHz (Band 7, B7) and LTE 800 MHz (Band 20, B20)) and provides data transfer speeds up to six times higher than in 4G networks.

Be the first to test the speed on Beeline's 4G and 4G+ networks!

Beeline Internet tariffs

Simple InternetInternet for tabletInternet for tablet + Highway 7 GBInternet for tablet + Highway 15 GBInternet for tablet + Highway 30 GB
3.3 RUR/MB 9.95 RUR/MB 550 rub/month 850 rub/month 1,150 rub/month
Traffic quota
7 GB 15 GB 30 GB

Beeline has a large 3G coverage area and good powerful transmitters. But receiving 4G outside of Moscow is still problematic. We install equipment that is capable of receiving both 3G and 4G signals.

However, as we have said many times, sometimes signal reception can be difficult. In this case, our equipment kit with an external antenna, which has additional gain, will help you. All options for kits for 3G/4G/LTE Internet reception, regardless of the operator.

Beeline 3G coverage map

Coverage map Beeline 4G

Cost of installing 3G/4G/4G+ Internet Beeline

1. Kit for a reliable reception zone

With this set of equipment you can work comfortably at your computer, having excellent speed and a reliable connection. Which tariff to choose is up to you!

2. Kit for weak reception area

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to receive a good, powerful signal on standard equipment. This happens due to the fact that cellular repeaters (transmitters) are located at a distance from you. This may result in frequent loss or even complete absence of signal. In this case, an antenna with high gain will help.

If desired, we will connect and configure WiFi router, which will distribute the Internet over the air throughout your home.

3. Kit for receiving the highest possible signal level

In the most difficult situations, where there is practically no reception at all, we offer an antenna with maximum gain and a built-in modem. This kit sometimes saves you from hopeless situations.

Several computers in the country and the required stable 3G/4G for everyone? We are pleased to offer you a WiFi router with configuration!

If you already have a 3G/4G/LTE modem, but the connection speed or reliability leaves much to be desired, we can suggest you install an antenna to strengthen the signal.

Attention! Southworld is not responsible for changes to tariff plans and terms of service of mobile operators.