How to specify a location in Contact? How to indicate the country and city of residence on VKontakte VKontakte does not change the city.

If you've been paying attention, photos of your friends and other users may have their location marked.

The geolocation feature is also available for your personal data. You can indicate your residential address. Now I'll show you everything.

So, how to specify location in Contact?

Indicate the location in the photo

Select and open the desired photo for viewing (see). Now at the bottom, find and click on the “More” link. An additional menu will open. Here, click on the “Specify location” link.

Allow your browser to receive your location by clicking the button "Report location", in the window that appears.

Now find the desired point on the map. Use search, or manually determine the location. Next, put a mark by clicking on the desired location on the map. And press the button "Save location".

Now, when viewing this photo, the description will indicate the place on the map that you marked. Clicking on it will search for photos that other users have taken in that location.

Using this tool, you can find out where a photo was taken and find other photos based on this location (see).

We indicate our address

Go to your page and click on the button "Edit".

Now go to the “Contacts” tab, and click on the “Specify location” link.

A form will open in which you need to indicate your home address. Select your country, city, etc. here. Also give a name to this point on the map. When you fill everything out, click the “Save” button.

We continue to understand the settings and design appearance our page in social network VKontakte (see). Now we will learn how to add data about the country and our city of residence to our profile.

Indicate the country and city of residence

Go to your page and click on the button "Edit", located just below your profile photo.

Then go to the Contacts tab. Here we are interested in two sections - country and city. You need to fill out each of them - select the desired option from the drop-down list.

When finished, click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

Hometown of residence in personal data

Recently, another field has appeared in the questionnaire with the user’s personal data. Section "Hometown". To fill it out, go to the “Basic” tab and fill out the appropriate column.

How to restrict viewing of specified data in a profile

If you do not want guests of your page to be able to see information in the profile, this opportunity must be limited using privacy settings. Open the main menu and click on the “Settings” link.

Go to the “Privacy” tab. Here we find the section “Who sees the basic information of my page”, and set the appropriate access level for it.

How data about the country and city of residence is displayed in a personal profile

After you have filled out all the required fields, return to your page and expand the form with your personal data. This is what your personal information will look like.

Literally any social network, including VKontakte, today provides a wide range of different opportunities, including those created specifically for making new acquaintances. One of these kinds of details is the installation of the city of residence and birth, which we will discuss in detail later.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that no matter what the city you specified, first of all you will have to set additional privacy settings when providing access to the profile certain users. However, some data, even excluding this feature, will still be available by default.

In addition to the above, like any similar site, VK provides new users with special tips that allow them to easily set all the desired settings. You should not ignore these types of notifications if you are new to the general functionality of this resource.

Full version

Today, not counting additional sections, which we will mention later, you can set a city on a VKontakte page using two different methods. However, both methods are not an alternative to each other.

First of possible options Setting your place of residence gives you, as a user of this social network, the opportunity to set your hometown. This block of editing parameters should be regarded only as an addition, since it often does not claim a high level of reliability.

  1. Go to the VKontakte main page using the button "My page" and under your profile photo click on the button "Edit".

    Alternatively, you can expand the main menu by clicking on the icon in the upper corner of the working window and switch to home page section "Edit".

  2. You will now be on the tab "Basic" in the section with the ability to change personal data.
  3. Scroll down the options page to the text block "Hometown".
  4. Change the contents of the specified column according to your requirements.
  5. You can change the contents of this field without any restrictions, indicating not only existing cities and reliable data, but also fictitious settlements.
  6. The field can be left empty if desired.

  7. Before leaving the editing options section in question, you must apply the settings using the button "Save" at the bottom of the page.
  8. To make sure the information you entered is correct, as well as to check the display, go to your profile wall.
  9. On the right side of the page, expand the block "Show detailed information".
  10. In the first section "Basic information" opposite the point "Hometown" what you specified earlier will be displayed.

It is worth noting that if someone uses the data you provide as a search query on the VKontakte website, your page will be displayed in the results. At the same time, even privacy settings that cover your personal profile as much as possible will not protect you from this phenomenon.

In the future, be careful when providing real data without additional protection from the privacy settings!

The second and much more significant method of indicating a city on a VK page is to use a block "Contacts". Moreover, unlike the previously considered option, the place of residence is significantly limited by actually existing settlements.

  1. Open the page "Edit".
  2. Using the menu on the right side of the working window, go to the section "Contacts".
  3. At the top of the opening page in the line "A country" indicate the name of the state you need.
  4. Each country has a strictly limited range of areas.

  5. As soon as you indicate any territory, a column will appear under the line in question "City".
  6. From the automatically generated list, you need to select a locality according to your personal requirements.
  7. If the area you need was not added to the initial list, scroll to the bottom and select "Another".
  8. By doing this, the contents of the line will change to "Not selected" and will be available for manual modification.
  9. Fill out the field yourself, guided by the name of the desired locality.
  10. Directly during the typing process, you will be presented with automatic prompts containing both the name of the city and detailed information about the region.
  11. To finish, choose a location that suits your requirements.
  12. You do not have to enter the full name of the territory, since the automatic selection system works more than perfectly.
  13. In addition to the above, you can repeat the steps in the other two sections:

  • Unlike the section "Contacts", these settings predispose to the possibility of specifying several different places at once, having different countries and, accordingly, cities.
  • After you have specified all the data directly related to the cities, apply the parameters using the button "Save" at the bottom of the active page.
  • This must be done separately in each section!

  • You can easily check exactly what the set parameters look like by opening the profile questionnaire.
  • The city you specified in the section "Contacts", will appear immediately below your date of birth.
  • All other data, as in the first case, will be presented within the drop-down list "Detailed information".
  • None of the sections discussed are required to be completed. Thus, the need to indicate the locality is limited solely by your personal desires.

    mobile version

    A fairly large number of users of the social network in question prefer to use the official mobile app, which has slightly different functionality compared to the full version of the site. That is why the procedure for changing city settings on Android is worthy of a separate section.

    Such settings are fixed on VK servers, and not for a specific device.

    note that mobile version VK provides the ability to change the city only within the section "Contacts". If you need to correct data in other blocks of the site, you should use the full-fledged VK site from a computer.

    Mobile app

    1. After launching the application, open the main menu using the corresponding icon on the toolbar.
    2. Now at the top of the screen find the link "Go to profile" and click on it.
    3. There is a button under your name.

    4. On the page that opens, you need to use the key "Edit".
    5. Scroll through the indicated section to the setting block "City".
    6. In the first column, similar to the full version of the site, you need to indicate the country you need.
    7. Next, click on the block "Select a city".
    8. Through the context window that opens, you can select a locality from the list of the most popular queries.
    9. If the required territory is not available, manually enter the name of the required city or region into the text box "Select a city".
    10. After specifying the name, click on the desired area from the automatically generated list.
    11. If the area is missing, you may have made a mistake somewhere or, in the unlikely event, the location you want has not been added to the database.

    12. As in the case full version, the entered queries can be significantly reduced.
    13. Once the selection is complete, the window will automatically close, and the previously mentioned line "Select a city" a new settlement will be included.
    14. Before leaving the section, be sure to apply the new settings using the special button in the upper right corner of the screen.
    15. No additional confirmation is required, as a result of which you can immediately see the results of the adjustments made.

    The described nuances are the only possible way changing territorial profile settings from mobile devices. However, you should also not lose sight of another type of this social network, in the form of a lightweight version of the site.

    Browser version of the site

    1. Using a browser, open the resource using the link we provided.
    2. Expand the main menu using the button in the upper left corner of the screen.
    3. Click on your account name to open the main page.
    4. Next, use the block "Full information" to open a full profile.
    5. Above the column "Basic information" click on the link "Edit Page".
    6. Scroll the window that opens to the section "Contacts".
    7. Based on what we said above, first change the contents of the field "A country" and then indicate "City".
    8. The main feature here is the fact that the territory is selected on separately opened pages.
    9. To search for a populated area outside standard list a special field is also used "Select a city" followed by highlighting the desired area.
    10. After providing the required information, use the button "Save".
    11. Leaving the section "Editing" and returning to home page, the settlement will be automatically updated.

    In this article, we examined in detail literally everything existing methods city ​​changes on the VK page. Therefore, we hope that you will be able to avoid possible complications.