How to disable the mobile Internet service on a megaphone. When do you need to turn off the Internet on Megafon? Description of the “MegaUnlimit” option

Read this article to the end and you will find out why it is important to turn off the Internet if you stop using it and how to do it?

What happens if you don’t turn off MegaFon’s mobile Internet? It may happen that a debt forms on the SIM card balance, which you will be required to pay by law. If you do not plan to use this SIM card at all, it is better to block it, and when necessary, purchase a new one. ( how to block - read this). This is the safest method for the subscriber. If the SIM card is not needed only for a while (1 or 2 months), then you can temporarily block it through.

First, I want to tell you about the changes. Before January 1, 2013, the principle for charging the subscription fee was as follows:

2. If there is at least 1 ruble on your balance, the subscription fee is debited in full. Debt is created.
3. If there is no money on your balance, the subscription fee is not debited.
4. If the subscription fee has been written off and no money has been received into the account within a month, but it only arrived a month later, then the subscription fee will be debited in full again.
5. If a debt has accumulated on the account, but you have not used the Internet, it is not a fact that you will be able to return the money, you may have to pay the debt, and there is no deception here, all the rules comply with the agreement. This is the number of times I am personally convinced that every contract, even for 1 kopeck, is worth reading carefully.
Moreover, similar rules were the same for the Big Three operators. It is quite obvious that such rules led to significant problems for subscribers (I myself found myself in this situation a couple of times - I didn’t use the Internet, but I had to pay). Well, that’s what the subscription fee is for.
What changed on January 1, 2013?

A lot has changed in a positive direction, but nevertheless, you still need to turn off MegaFon’s mobile Internet, just in case.

Next you will understand why:
1. The subscription fee is charged in full.
2. If there are not enough funds on the balance to charge the subscription fee, Internet access is blocked until disconnected unlimited internet or until the balance is replenished. It depends on which event comes first.
3. If no money has been credited to your balance within a month, the unlimited Internet option is disabled automatically. When using the Internet after a month, tariffs are charged for each megabyte in accordance with tariff plan.
4. If the payment for the Internet arrived on the date the subscription fee was written off, and 2, 3 weeks later, then the subscription fee is debited on the day the payment is received and the next time it will be debited a month from the date of payment.
5. Debt is no longer formed on the balance sheet.
However, there is one small and not obvious pitfall: if the subscriber did not bother to read these terms in the contract and topped up the balance a month after the subscription fee should have been charged (that is, when the unlimited Internet was already disabled), and then used the Internet (for example, downloaded a couple of movies), then the money deposited on the balance will be spent and in order to return it, you will have to spend a lot of nerves :(.
In my opinion, the most ideal scheme for charging subscription fees is with wireline providers. Daily, in equal shares depending on the number of days in the month. Every day my provider takes 16 rubles and if there is not enough money on my balance, the Internet simply does not work. I top up my balance and it works immediately.

How to disable MegaFon mobile Internet?

  1. Find out which unlimited internet option you have connected to? *225*2#. You will receive an SMS with the name of the option. Dial *236# and find the option in the list. We confirm the disconnection. An SMS must be sent.
  2. . I wrote an article about how to disable services via Personal Area. In my opinion this is the most convenient way.
  3. We look for *105# in the menu. By moving through this menu you can enable or disable almost any service.
  4. Call the MegaFon operator. Yes, this can be difficult to do, so I wrote a special article.
  5. Office visit. Be sure to bring either a passport or a SIM card with you. Both are better.

Often, after debiting a large sum of money from an account, an unlucky subscriber has a question: on Megafon? The main problem here is that whether you use the service or not, you are charged. At first it's not noticeable. But a month later, you realize that there is an overspending of funds, which is associated with services that you used for a short time and then forgot to turn off. All possible options The implementation of this operation will be discussed within the framework of this article. Attention is also paid to Internet connection.

Setting it up

First you need to use Megafon. In most cases, everything happens automatically. When you turn on your phone or smartphone for the first time in the mobile operator’s network, the search system starts required parameters in his database. As soon as they are found, they are sent to the subscriber. Next, they need to be accepted and saved. In some extremely rare cases this does not happen. Either the device is not certified, or required settings not yet in the database. How to set up unlimited Internet on Megafon, for example, in such a situation? We call the operator at 0500 and ask to send the necessary data. Then we accept them and save them.

As a last resort, you can do everything manually. To do this, go to and create new profile. We give him a name to suit his taste. In the APN field enter internet. We set the MCC and MNC parameters to “250” and “03” respectively. We leave all other values ​​at default. After accepting the settings, it is recommended to reboot the device. Next, you need to activate the data service. This can be done in two ways: by calling the operator or using a request. The first method is simpler, so it is recommended to use it. We call the same number 0500 and fill out an application. When activating the service, you will receive a text message.

Why do you need to turn it off?

Before turning off the Internet on Megafon, let's find out why it is important to do this. There is only one problem: the daily withdrawal of the subscription fee. That's not a lot in one day. But if you collect the amount in a month, then everything will fall into place. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to disable this service in cases where you do not need it.


The easiest way to solve this problem is to call the operator. In this case, the algorithm is as follows. As soon as access to the global web is no longer needed, we call the operator at the same number 0500. After establishing a connection, please disable this service for this number. As soon as all the necessary actions are completed, you will receive a text message informing you that the Internet is disconnected. The main advantages of calling an operator are simplicity and accessibility. Also, nothing will be deducted from your account for this.

We use the request

Another simple way to disable Internet access is to use special requests. Their format depends on the tariff plan used and can be as follows:

  • *105*450*0# - unlimited for telephone.
  • *105*282*0# - unlimited for a smartphone with 70 MB.
  • *105*980*0# - unlimited for a smartphone with 100 MB.
  • *105*981*0# - unlimited for a smartphone with 200 MB.

At the end, be sure to press the “Call” button. Next you should receive a message stating that the provision of such a service for this number has been suspended.

Service Guide

Another way to disable the Internet on Megafon is to use the Service Guide system. Using it, you can also refuse this service on the Internet. In this case, the procedure for deactivating access to the global web is as follows. First you need a computer or laptop that is connected to the Internet. Then we launch the browser and go to the official website of the Megafon operator. Select your region in the appropriate one. Next, we need to register. To do this, click on the inscription “Personal Account”. A window will open in which we enter the number mobile phone, password and captcha. This is done once upon first login. Next, simply enter your phone number and password in the appropriate fields on home page. Then the main window of the Service Guide system will open. Here we find the “Services and Tariff” section. In it, select “Change tariff options”. We find the ordered services and turn off the checkbox next to them. After this we log out of the system. In most cases, a message appears almost immediately indicating that Internet access has been disabled, but sometimes it takes time.

Let's sum it up

Within the framework of this material, three ways were described on how to disable the Internet on Megafon. The easiest way to do this is for an unprepared subscriber using a regular phone call operator by phone 0500. If you know the request format, then it is much more convenient to use it. And it’s more difficult to do all this using the Service Guide system. You should pay attention to it only as a last resort.

Among mobile operators The Russian company Megafon is popular in 2019 and has a wide coverage network, excellent signal level and a wide range of services, including providing Internet access.

But not all clients of this operator need mobile internet.

Some people want to completely abandon it in order to save money. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how to disable the Internet on Megafon.

Many subscribers use the XS Internet service; it is characterized by a low subscription fee.

The amount of which depends on the user’s region.

This is very convenient in cases where the communication device independently connects to service providers to update the system.

If there is no control over independently downloaded information, then such an update is charged according to the terms of the tariff plan and can be quite expensive for the client. And the Internet XS service allows you to avoid such troubles.

In addition, if there is no need to download a large amount of information daily, there are several ways to disable Internet XS on Megafon at any time convenient for the client.

This opportunity is provided for by the basic terms of the tariff plan.

There are several options to disable network access on Megafon:

For more active users, the Megafon “All Inclusive s” tariff is intended - this is a tariff plan that is based on a package provision of services and a subscription fee for them is charged every month.

It includes free calls to the numbers of the Megafon operator in Russia, a certain number of SMS to the numbers of any operators on the territory of the home network. In addition, the operator provides a dedicated amount of Internet in the home region.

Connection to the All Inclusive s tariff is free. Under the terms of this option, the subscriber is given 3 gigabytes of traffic every month at maximum speed.

If the client has exceeded the amount of allocated Internet traffic, the speed will be limited to 65 Kb/sec. The restriction is lifted at the beginning next month or when connecting the special option “Extend speed”.

You can disable the Internet on Megafon using the same USSD command as in XS. And also by sending SMS “Stop” to the number 05009122.

The Megafon operator provides its users with the “Children’s Internet” service. This tariff plan is characterized by limited access to web resources.

The option filters sites that are intended for an adult audience. To fully use it, you need to install a special certificate file on your child’s phone.

You can disable the Children's Internet service on Megafon in the following ways:

  1. Contact the operator's salon and ask an employee to perform deactivation. To do this, you need to take your passport with you.
  2. Call the 0500 service from a SIM card or from any other phone at 88005500500.

At the time of buying starter pack In a communication salon, the manager can immediately turn off the Internet.

Or if over time the subscriber realizes that he does not need to use the Internet, he can go to the same salon and complete the disconnection procedure.

But it is not always possible and time to go to the salon. In this case, you can disable the service using a set of combinations, numbers and symbols, as well as other options that can be dealt with quite easily.

Main methods:

Unlimited Internet consumes traffic around the clock, so it is natural that some users want to refuse such a service.

To do this, you need to dial a combination of numbers and symbols on your phone - *527*0# and activate by pressing the call key.

If unlimited Internet is set for access via a computer, then you can disable it using the service guide or the same set of commands via the phone. In this case, it is important to understand which package is connected.

Sometimes Megafon subscribers use the “Extend speed” function even when they are outside the country. It makes it possible to extend megabytes of traffic and use the Internet more than regular package services.

You can disable the unlimited Internet option on Megafon through your personal account on the company’s website or by sending an empty message to the number 000105906.

A one-click request will also help you deactivate the Internet - *752 and the call key.

To disable the option, it is important to understand in which region the SIM card is registered, since requests from a combination of numbers may differ.

These are the simplest and most convenient ways to disable network access. They can be used not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

According to Megafon statistics, the majority of subscribers use the mobile Internet very actively. Tariff plans that are provided to clients have unlimited traffic, but this is only conditional.

After a certain number of gigabytes have been used, the speed is reduced to 64 KB. Therefore, for constant communication with outside world, specialists have developed the “Auto-Traffic Renewal” service.

Subscribers from any region can use this option, but this will cost additional money.

The “Auto-renewal of traffic” option can only be enabled on the “Turn On” and “All Inclusive” tariff plans. Clients who activate this service have 200 megabytes of additional traffic.

The function is triggered immediately after the main traffic is used up. In this case, a certain amount of money is automatically debited from the account. The connected package will be valid until the traffic is reset.

The auto-renewal feature is deactivated if the subscriber switches to new tariff All inclusive family. In this case, unused megabytes are burned. To receive additional traffic, the function must be re-enabled.

If Megafon clients do not want the option to connect automatically, the service can be disabled. To do this, there are the following options:

There is no fee for disabling the Internet Auto Renewal service.. If necessary, packages can be reactivated.

Since not all clients use the mobile Internet, information on how to disable network access on Megafon is quite relevant.

There are several ways to carry out this procedure, all of them are quite simple and understandable even to a child.

Operator mobile communications MegaFon provides its customers with many different services, one of which is Internet access. For some, such a service can be very useful, while others will consider it a completely unnecessary option. If you do not need to access the network via telephone and you do not want to pay for this service in vain, you can refuse it. In this article we will tell you how to disable mobile Internet on MegaFon.

Is it worth refusing the service?

Among other operators cellular communications MegaFon is considered a leader in providing Internet services to its customers. For some this is a big plus, but there is another category of people. For example, representatives of the older generation do not feel the need to use the Internet on a daily basis. There are also those who prefer to use more convenient devices to access the network: laptops or tablets. It also happens that the phone model is simply not suitable for performing actions more complex than writing an SMS message or making a call. It makes no sense for such people to pay monthly for mobile Internet, so they can simply turn it off.

How to refuse this service

Method No. 1

Disabling MegaFon's Internet service is quite simple. On your phone's keypad, dial the number: *527*0#. Then press the call button and wait a bit. Within a short time you will receive a notification that the Mobile Internet service has been deactivated.

Method No. 2

There is another way to refuse unlimited Internet with Opera mini. Type on the keyboard mobile device the following numbers and symbols: *105*235*0#. By calling this number, you will cancel the service, which will be notified by an SMS message sent in a couple of minutes.

Method No. 3

Through Personal Computer go to the official website of MegaFon and register in the Service Guide system. After this, you will be able to perform various actions, including connecting and disabling certain services.

How to disable the Internet on various OS

Not all MegaFon subscribers are aware that when a SIM card is inserted into a mobile device, the Internet on it is automatically activated. If you decide to refuse of this service and you don’t want to perform the same operation every time you change a SIM card, you need to configure your phone in a certain way.

How to disable the service on the Android operating system

Most modern mobile devices are equipped with this OS. To prevent smartphones with this firmware from accessing the network, follow the instructions:

  • find the settings menu on your phone;
  • open the “Wireless Networks” tab;
  • in the option " Mobile network» find the data point;
  • there should be a tick mark in it, it should be removed.

How to block access to the Internet iPhone devices and iPad

To carry out this procedure, follow these steps:

  • open the settings menu on your phone;
  • find the “Network” tab there;
  • in it you will see the items “3G” and “Cellular data”;
  • disable both of these options.

How to deactivate the Internet on Windows Phone

If your device has this operating system, you can turn off the Internet in the following way:

  • go to the gadget menu;
  • find network settings;
  • there you will see an item called Data Connection;
  • there will be an interactive lever on it, which should be moved to the “Off” position.

From this article you learned how to disable mobile Internet on MegaFon. We hope you find the above recommendations helpful.

Almost all owners of mobile devices actively consume network resources and waste traffic. For this purpose, Megafon provides high speed transmission data on the territory of the Russian Federation, even in remote settlements. The subscriber can activate many optimizing options and renewal packages. But opposite situations also arise when you need to disconnect the Internet from Megafon. Let's figure out how to do this.

Ways to disable Internet options

Sometimes situations arise when you need to completely turn off mobile Internet on your phone. This may be required when traveling around the country or vacationing abroad in order to save significantly and not pay for traffic in international roaming. You can refuse the provider’s network service by deactivating special Additional services on the SIM card or by reconfiguring the mobile device.

In your personal account and application

Any Megafon consumer has free access to the personal account service. After entering the main menu, you will see the current status of your personal account, the balance of package parameters in the current billing period and other personal information about the owner of the phone number. Find the “Options and Services” tab in the interface.

In the window that appears, select the “My” section. This is where all active applications and the cost of their use will be displayed, as well as detailed information about them. Find the required option for the Internet and click on the deactivation button.

You can log into your personal account anywhere, from any device, from a smartphone, through a desktop computer on a modem, using a tablet.

Attention! You should know that if you turn off a tariff or service during the billing period, no one will return your money for the days that you did not use. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at the end of the month of operation.

Install the application from the My Megafon provider on your mobile device. When you first start, enter your phone number and create a password for authorization. After this, you will find yourself in the main program window. Select the Internet options tab, find the necessary services in the list and deactivate them.

Attention! To disable the service through your personal account and application, you will need to have active access to the network space.

Employee assistance

If you cannot independently configure the tariff plan and SIM card to the required operating mode, deactivate mobile internet, you can by turning to specialists for help. Choose one of the methods:

  1. Contact your provider's service and sales department. Request assistance from a free manager, present your passport details to prove your right to own a SIM card.
  2. Call the service technical support Megafon subscribers - 0500. Wait for a response from the operator or use the advice of an automatic informant. Explain the situation in detail, and a specialist will remotely deactivate the service.
  3. Leave a request to disable the option at official resource provider in the “Write to us” tab. After it is processed in service center, receive a notification or an operator will contact you to help you find a solution.

USSD and SMS services

The method consists in special service water USSD commands on the screen of a mobile device or by sending an SMS message with a certain text. To begin with, every consumer should know a few basic and useful combinations:

  1. *105#. This is simplified management of your personal account, active options and tariff plan. Once entered, the menu appears on the display. Follow the instructions.
  2. *583#. Provides information about all connected paid services on the phone number. This is convenient, because almost all Internet options are provided for a fixed subscription fee and will be displayed in this list. You can also deactivate them here.

Now let’s look at the services currently in effect and list the main USSD commands for disabling them yourself in the table:

For completion USSD requests no commission is charged, but SMS is not charged only in the home region. Outside its borders, the cost is set depending on the conditions of international and intercity roaming. After successful completion of the actions, you will receive a corresponding notification from the provider in the form of SMS.

How to disable the Internet in the device settings

After deactivating all Internet options on the SIM card, disable data transfer on your phone in the settings of the device itself so that it does not continue to consume traffic. To do this, select one of the methods:

  1. If you need to turn off Internet access for a short period of time, use Airplane mode. The function is available on all modern phones and is located in the toolbar. Here you can disable data transfer in the SIM card settings tab. Many mobile applications can consume traffic in hidden mode, so this method will save money in a foreign country during your vacation.
  2. Erase the automatic settings of the access point. Go to the device management menu and delete the previously created APN. If necessary, you can re-order the installations.

You should be aware that on all models and brands of devices, the location of the main controls and interface may differ significantly.

Attention! The list of Internet options and their features listed in the article correspond only to the Leningrad region.

The article examined available methods disabling existing Internet services, as well as changing the settings of the mobile device. If you do not use the network, do not pay for the work, turn off data transmission on time. As for the “Extend Internet” function, it is canceled automatically and in the absence of basic options.