How to send a postcard "In Contact": a guide for inexperienced network users. Sending postcards to Odnoklassniki in messages My postcards how to send to friends in Odnoklassniki

If you have your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network, then you definitely never have time to be bored: after all, every day around you there are millions of other users who are here looking for old and new friends, as well as simply interesting interlocutors. In addition, the site administration is constantly working, inventing and implementing new ways to diversify your leisure time and decorate communication with loved ones. But many of us do not know about some functions or simply do not really understand how to use them, so today we will talk in detail about how to send a postcard in Odnoklassniki for free to any of your friends or acquaintances.

What are postcards for Odnoklassniki?

This is the name of one of the types of gifts that can be sent through this site to your friend or any other user. Usually, they are thematic, but, of course, you can find a picture dedicated to a birthday, name day, or just a beautiful declaration of love.

For the most part, such postcards are paid, and they can be purchased for a special site currency - Oki, but you can also look for free options. The administration of the social network carefully ensures that users can find relevant pictures for all holidays and is sure to replenish this collection with new images.

How to give a postcard to a friend for free in Odnoklassniki?

If you decide to congratulate your loved one on an event that is significant for both of you using a postcard, then follow our instructions.

You can also send a postcard to a person who is not yet one of your friends. To do this you need to do the following:

Sending by private message

But the question is, what should you do if among the proposed pictures, none of them interested you or they all turned out to be paid? In this case, you can send a picture found on any other site and downloaded to the memory of your phone or computer to your friend or acquaintance with help. messages. You can do this as follows:

If standard pictures don't work

Before sending a postcard on Odnoklassniki for free, you need to go to search engine Yandex or Google:

Now you know how to send a free postcard on Odnoklassniki without spending additional money.

If you have extra money, you can always use special applications on a social network and send musical and animated images to all your friends. These applications range from simple greeting drawings to memorable musical gifts.

That's all! It is very simple and accessible even for those who are just starting their journey among social networks. And now you know exactly how to use Odnoklassniki to congratulate a friend, loved one or your grandfather on the next holiday with a postcard. Remember that our attention is very valuable to our loved ones and provide it with or without reason! And if you still have questions on this topic, then do not forget to write about them in the comments to this article, and you will definitely receive an answer.

send a card

Postcards in Odnoklassniki are similar to gifts, with the exception that some of them will not be displayed to the user in a block with other gifts. In addition, many postcards that are offered by default by the social network are quite expensive and have media content (music and animation).

In this social network, you can send a postcard to a person in private messages (it is not at all necessary that it was taken specifically from Odnoklassniki) or as "Gift", which will be placed in the corresponding block on the page. Therefore, you can make another person happy both for a fee and for free.

Method 1: “Gifts” section

This is the most expensive method, but your gift will be visible to other users who visit the page. In addition, most of the postcards that Odnoklassniki themselves sell have animation and sound.

Instructions for sending a postcard will look like this:

Method 2: Postcards from apps

Once upon a time, postcards created or downloaded from applications for Odnoklassniki were free, but now they can only be sent for a fee, but this will be cheaper than purchasing from the service.

The instructions look like this:

Method 3: Sending from third party sources

You can send a postcard from third-party sources completely free of charge, which you have previously saved on your computer. You can also make it in Photoshop, save it to your computer and send it to the right person. The only limitation of this method is that the person to whom you send it will not display it on the page itself, since sending occurs exclusively through personal messages.

On this moment The number of Odnoklassniki audiences is approaching 350 million people. Just imagine how big this number is. The social network was able to connect such different people and help them see something of their own in the virtual world. Some fell in love with the community for the standard communication function, others for its photos, games and applications. And each user was able to appreciate the gifts - funny, cute, kind, animated and simple pictures. Today we will tell you how to send postcards for free in messages on Odnoklassniki. Why sticker styles the best way for congratulations and when is it worth taking the time to congratulate personally over the phone?

Congratulations on Odnoklassniki: pros and cons

For more than ten years, postcards have existed in Odnoklassniki. At the very beginning, only paid images were available. Over time, the company's management decided that they needed to attract as many people as possible to exchange stickers and created free stickers. They fell in love with the audience appearance, accessibility, the ability to send to friends in a few clicks and express all your emotions and feelings. And having tasted the “taste” new feature people began to buy paid gifts.

Every day thousands of postcards are sent to their recipients. During the holidays, the number of shipments increases significantly and exceeds millions. But no matter how wonderful the gifts are, there are cases when they should be left aside and resort to the good old way: congratulations in person. When it comes to dear people: sister, brother, mother, father, grandmother. To dismiss it as a simple soulless picture would be wrong and even insulting. If it is not possible to meet the person, then call him. A few words spoken over the phone are much nicer and warmer. By doing this, you will show that you really care about people.

You can use virtual gifts when congratulating old acquaintances with whom you only maintain online communication, or when communicating with unfamiliar users.

Where can I get free postcards for Odnoklassniki?

In order not to spend OKI on paid gifts, you can always use free option. You can find such stickers:

How to send a gift in messages on Odnoklassniki?

To send a gift to your friend you will need mobile phone with Internet or computer access. Let's take a phone as an example:

  1. Open the application on your device and go to the "Gifts" section. It's on the menu. Sometimes postcards can be found in the news feed.
  2. Select the picture you want to send and click on it.
  3. A window will open for you. In it you can perform the following actions:
  • Send privately – that is, no one except the recipient will know the sender of the gift. For detailed information about that, see the article.
  • Send secretly - in this case, no one will recognize the sender, not even the recipient.

  1. Select a recipient from the list below and click on it. Done, the gift has been sent.


In Odnoklassniki you can send a gift not only to the person who is your friend. You can also give a gift to a third-party user. But in this case, only a paid sticker will be available for sending.

If you don’t know how to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki or another social network, then look at our instructions below. Everything is quite easy and simple.

How to send a postcard on Odnoklassniki

To send a postcard for free on Odnoklassniki, you need:

hover over the “paperclip” image and click on it

select the downloaded postcard on your computer

it will load into a private message

press the “Enter” button on your keyboard for the postcard to be sent to the recipient

That's it, you can just send a postcard for free on Odnoklassniki. Now choose the picture you like.

How to send a postcard on VKontakte

To send a VKontakte postcard for free, you need:

1. download the picture you like to your computer or phone by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page with postcards, as shown in the screenshot below:

2. go to a personal message with the birthday person and attach a card, as shown in the screenshots below:

hover over the “camera” image on the right and select the downloaded postcard on your computer

it will load into a private message

press the "Enter" button on your keyboard to send the card to the recipient

That's it, you can simply send a postcard to VKontakte for free. Now choose the picture you like.

In the same way, you can send various postcards in other in social networks. The only difference may be which icon you click on. But, as a rule, it is: a paperclip or a camera.

Make each other happy with beautiful pictures and pleasant congratulations from Darlike!